
Aakar Patel

Aakar Patel is a writer and columnist. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by AAKAR PATEL

Voters Least Bothered About Economy

Voters Least Bothered About Economy

Rediff.com7 Feb 2022

Issues such as the economy's health and the government's ability to produce an environment where jobs are available are not of particular concern to us as voters, asserts Aakar Patel.

Why The World Is Worried About India

Why The World Is Worried About India

Rediff.com4 Feb 2022

Our demonisation and dehumanisation of minorities and especially Muslims is so complete that calls for the abduction of and sexual violence against Muslim girls are acceptable in our society today and can be made in public spaces. The damage we have done to India internally and externally will be lasting, warns Aakar Patel.

Needed ASAP: A National Security Policy

Needed ASAP: A National Security Policy

Rediff.com27 Jan 2022

In 2020 India was compelled by China to change its national security strategy. From counter-insurgency, which the army has been focussed on for years, we shifted to conventional war, observes Aakar Patel.

The Gujaratification Of India

The Gujaratification Of India

Rediff.com12 Jan 2022

The Gujarati's intolerance for diversity can be seen in India's hard nationalism which is showing itself in Kashmir and the North East, observes Aakar Patel.

Be Kinder, Gentler, 2022

Be Kinder, Gentler, 2022

Rediff.com1 Jan 2022

'The wish is that 2022, if not bring us into happier times, at least sees some easing of the pain,' hopes Aakar Patel.

Why Are Christians Being Targeted?

Why Are Christians Being Targeted?

Rediff.com27 Dec 2021

There have been over 300 attacks against Christians and their churches and prayer halls, primarily in northern India, states Aakar Patel.

BJP And The Politics Of Conversion

BJP And The Politics Of Conversion

Rediff.com20 Dec 2021

It is unusual in democratic countries two decades into the 21st century for laws to become regressive instead of progressive. But that is clearly what is happening in India today and more of this is ahead, asserts Aakar Patel.

AFSPA: Repeal Won't Change Anything

AFSPA: Repeal Won't Change Anything

Rediff.com16 Dec 2021

The army has been left to do justice to itself for crimes it is accused of committing against civilians. As a force inside the government, obviously it will want that there be no intrusion into what they do, points out Aakar Patel.

How Modi Lost The Plot

How Modi Lost The Plot

Rediff.com9 Dec 2021

Perhaps the BJP will win the UP elections, but that will be a political win and will leave the problems on the ground from the economy to national security to disaffected farmers and minorities intact, asserts Aakar Patel.

India Has Lost The Way Economically

India Has Lost The Way Economically

Rediff.com1 Dec 2021

India has the lowest labour force participation rate in South Asia and one of the lowest in the world, points out Aakar Patel.

What is India's Destiny?

What is India's Destiny?

Rediff.com22 Nov 2021

The events of the last few years shows that pessimism about where we have arrived and where we are headed is justified, asserts Aakar Patel.

Modi's reforms are accompanied by lack of planning

Modi's reforms are accompanied by lack of planning

Rediff.com22 Nov 2021

What some of us think are strong, bold and firm decisions are cruel, harsh and unwanted for others. This is what we need to consider when we look at what has happened with the farm laws, asserts Aakar Patel.

Why the Hindutva Project Will FAIL

Why the Hindutva Project Will FAIL

Rediff.com17 Nov 2021

The modern world will not accommodate bigotry of the sort India is showing the world today, argues Aakar Patel.

The REAL Story Of The 1 Billion Vaccines

The REAL Story Of The 1 Billion Vaccines

Rediff.com1 Nov 2021

We should be relieved that we got the doses but we must also know where they came from and who was and who was not responsible for this achievement, notes Aakar Patel.

Mr PM, When will you solve India's HUNGER CRISIS?

Mr PM, When will you solve India's HUNGER CRISIS?

Rediff.com24 Oct 2021

It is a difficult problem and will require the Union, state governments and civil society, meaning NGOs, to work together, points out Aakar Patel.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A FAILURE?

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: A FAILURE?

Rediff.com12 Oct 2021

There should have been a focus on sanitation and not on littering or garbage. Absence of sanitation affects the health of children, explains Aakar Patel.

What does Modi gain by not REPEALING Farm Laws?

What does Modi gain by not REPEALING Farm Laws?

Rediff.com4 Oct 2021

And the only answer one can think of is that this is being done to preserve the image of toughness and 56 inches and all the rest of it, notes Aakar Patel.



Rediff.com23 Sep 2021

India's work participation rate is lower than Pakistan and Bangladesh. Are Indians lazy? No, there are no jobs, asserts Aakar Patel.

Lakha Khan, An Indian Treasure

Lakha Khan, An Indian Treasure

Rediff.com14 Sep 2021

It is astonishing, even for many of us who may have wide exposure to music, to see how such world-class performers are so little known in their own land, notes Aakar Patel.

India-US Military Alliance Against China?

India-US Military Alliance Against China?

Rediff.com4 Sep 2021

We do not know, because there has been no discussion, no transparency and most likely no real thinking on this matter at our end, observes Aakar Patel.

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